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Каталог > eComStation > Дисковые утилиты > Super Virtual Disk
Super Virtual Disk
Виртуальные диски, виртуальные дискеты. Super Virtual Disk provides a swappable, lockable, and removable virtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2's advanced memory management facility. Virtual disks can be any size from 16k to 16 megs, and virtual floppy supports 360kb to 2.88MB devices, including XDF devices for managing XDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp. Virtual floppy devices can be also be dynamically reconfigured. You can even create multiple 16MB SVDisks on a system with just 4 megs of RAM! Super Virtual Disk comes complete with command-line and PM utilities to provide complete control of the Super Virtual Disk(s). [purchase button]
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