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eCo Shop - единственный специализированный магазин товаров для Thinkpad в России





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NeoWPS is a bundle of applications from eCo software to enhance your ArcaOS, OS/2, or eComStation Desktop. You get a license for all products and access to 12 months of updates. The NeoWPS bundle includes the following products: (some of this components are included to ArcaOS operating system)

* Sunny icons - Modern transparent PNG icons. * Piano Launchpad - Modern replacement of the OS/2 launchpad * Personal Cards Manager - WPS integrated address book * File Open Container updates - Replaces the original OS/2 file open/save dialog. * eSchemes - Enables you to change the look and feel of the folders on your OS/2 desktop.

Notes: * The Family Pack allows you to install and use one copy of the software on up to a maximum of five (5) ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation computers (in any combination) at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that household. By "household" we mean a person or persons who share the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home, or condominium, including students who are primary residents of that household but reside at a separate on-campus location. This license does not extend to business or commercial users. * You will receive the activation keys by email from eCo Software usually within 72 hours after your payment is received. * Sponsor units do not entitle you to license keys, it is only to support the developer.

Доставка по



[1] Курьером СДЕК

(2-5 дней, от 250 руб)


[2] Почта России

(1-2 недели, от 350 руб)



Способы оплаты

С карты на карту Сбербанка / На расчетный счёт





Thinkpad Twist

Ноутбук-планшет / Intel i5 / 500 Gb / 4 Gb / на 2 часа


Сброс пароля Thinkpad

Сброс пароля супервизора, на вход в сетап BIOS, на включение ноутбука.


Оранжевый внешний диск

Резиновый бампер / 500 Gb / 750 Gb / USB 2.0

eCo Shop - интернет-магазин ноутбуков и компьютеров (/) eCo Shop принадлежит компании Сибирский Медведь

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